Making a difference in our Rural Communities...
Southern REAP
Rural education covering, Southland, Fiordland and Whakatipu
(Rural Education Activities Programme) Located in the heart of Southland, we are passionate about improving and enriching our rural communities, we provide a range of courses and support creating lifelong learners of all ages.
Southern REAP facilitates a range of short courses for people living in Southland, Fiordland, and Whakatipu. These courses teach valuable skills that can increase your employability or teach you a new hobby to share with your whānau.
The Southern REAP network helps people in rural and provincial communities improve their lives and contribute to our society, whatever their stage of life.
Read more about our mahi and staff here...

Our mission
Southern REAP works to make a difference in our rural communities.

Adult & Community Education
Southern REAP provides adult and community education courses focused on meeting the needs in our rural communities across Southland, Fiordland and Whakatipu, whilst adhering to meeting our TEC requirements.
Early Childhood Education
Southern REAP provides ongoing support for our ECE community throughout Southland, Fiordland, and Whakatipu, and we deliver practical sessions for various ECE groups across the sector.
Our whakatauki
Mai i te kōpae ki te urupā, tātou ako tonu ai.
From the cradle to the grave, we are forever learning.
School Support
Southern REAP works across all rural schools, identifying needs and providing complementary and supplementary programmes to support students' learning. Professional Learning support is also provided for teachers and whānau.